Some Wise Words for Midwinter

No better place to start than this: I speak for the trees. The Lorax (Dr. Seuss) During the silent stillness of January, tree frogs sleep, snow fleas leap, black bears ready themselves to give birth, and maple buds ready themselves to grow red. Here are some more quotes to feed our souls and warm our […]

Strange Days

By George Jacobi Spring will come again, they tell me. Right now, though, it’s shockingly cold. A once promising summer vanished in a bleak November, buffeting me with gusts of biting wind. The hope that sustained me for that long warm season faded fast. Homeless and harried in my own land, I’ve lost my stability […]

In Pursuit of Perception

by George Jacobi I gaze across the late summer Fenton at the glittering schist and garnet-infused wall of the Grist Mill. On the little beach below my feet, last night’s raccoon tracks and a lethargic green frog. Not a dramatic scene, this cozy nook has an evergreen grove, a meadow, a pond, and some local […]