Time Traveling

by George Jacobi Like they do every October, Orionid meteors decorate the night sky over the Mt. Hope River bridge. Winding Route 89 encourages slow car travel, and outside of the yips of coyotes, it’s a “quiet corner”. No one occupies the Church Farm anymore. Not even a cow or sheep remains. But this place […]

Children and the Outdoors

by Kailyn Murphy Itchy, sneezy, wet, buggy, dirty, too hot, too cold…these are the words we adults often use to describe being outside, or rather why we don’t want to be. But for kids (or at least my toddler), the word to describe being outside is: fun.  At the beginning of this year I was […]

Predetermined Outcome

I hope this response to Michelle’s heartfelt personal essay inspires more of the same from readers. I too found it rewarding to reconsider my “Inspired by Nature” moments, and I think you will feel the same about yours. I moved to western Connecticut when I turned 5, living a year with my mother’s father while […]