Trail Crew at Regan
Madeline Regan Preserve 1274 Tolland Stage Road, TollandSaturday, June 11, 10 am – 12 pm, Regan, Tolland Stage Road, Route 74, coordinates 41.883602, -72.339681
Protecting Land and Preserving Heritage. Forever.
Almost all Trust programs are free of charge; however, we welcome your donation so we can continue bringing you great outdoor and conservation activities and events.
Click on an event for more information.
Saturday, June 11, 10 am – 12 pm, Regan, Tolland Stage Road, Route 74, coordinates 41.883602, -72.339681
Come to the Trust’s inaugural Ice Cream Social (from the Dairy Bar)! on Saturday June 11, from 12- 4pm. at the Atwood Farm. (There will be a small charge for the ice cream.) We will join with other Connecticut museums on Open House Day – including our Gurleyville Grist Mill – to showcase the two […]
Join Connecticut Open House Day and explore the Grist Mill.