Phew, I’m breathing a sigh of relief after the whirlwind that the holiday season has been. I feel like I’m just now able to take a moment and think about what I hope for 2022. I won’t bore you with my more personal resolutions but I will share a few intentions I have for this year that I hope might inspire you too.
- Join a local CSA. My hope with this is to not only support a local farm but also to stretch my creativity in the kitchen. Here’s a helpful tool to help you find a CSA near you.
- Landscape my garden with as many native plants as possible. My husband and I moved into our home almost 3 years ago and have been in the process of taking back the yard after years of neglect (including fighting numerous invasives.) This year is the year we plan to landscape and my hope is to use as many native plants as possible. Keeping pollinators in mind as the garden transitions from season to season.
- Grow my own vegetables and herbs. This year I had a small garden that really didn’t yield as much as I’d hoped. But I plan to relocate my vegetable and herb garden this year and hopefully have a more fruitful harvest.
- Hike more. This is both a personal goal to get out more in nature, but also, I want to share more of JT properties on social media!
- Make more sustainable swaps in my home. This requires some investment but here’s a list of ideas if you aren’t sure where to start. I’d like to start with getting some reusable paper towels.
What are your intentions, resolutions, or hopes for 2022? I would love to hear them!
~ Kailyn Murphy