Bernard Church Woods – Folklore and History

Bernard Church Woods was donated to Joshua’s Trust in 1993. This 37 acre parcel is a combination of upland woods, wetlands and agricultural land (hay and corn fields). The parcel was a part of a larger 90 acre piece which was purchased by Clifton Church in 1892 from Rev. Francis Williams.

Bernard Church was born and lived most of his life on the family farm on Tower Hill Road in Chaplin. In addition to working the farm he dedicated his life to service to his community (town clerk for 52 years), his church and his family. He had a special love for the history of Chaplin people and its land. Bernard was happy to see this land become a part of Joshua’s Trust so that its character can be preserved.

Now, for some folklore surrounding the Bernard Church Woods property.

Folklore says that the original farm on this property was built during the Revolutionary War and since the men were all off fighting the British, the women had to finish the farm.

The barn site on the northern end of the property (the stone wall for the barnyard is intact) was part of a farm which was located on both sides of Bujak Road. The cellar hole for the house can be found across the road. At the time of the Revolutionary War the property was owned by Judah Storrs. His brother owned the adjacent property to the west where he and his family lived in the “Storrs Mansion.” (The cellar hole for this home can be found at the end of Tower Hill Extension.) A search of the REvolutionary War records shows that none of Judah’s family served in the war, although he had three sons between the ages of 19 and 23 in 1776. A number of Judah’s brother’s family did serve so perhaps the women were needed to help finish the farm.

Folklore also claims that Sarah Cary known now as Widow Cary who lived on the farm east of this land near the Stone House Brook in the late 18th century, had an affair with Andy Hartshorn who lived with his family on a farm to the west of this property. In addition to his farm Andy harvested lumber in the woods between the two properties, including part of Bernard Church Woods. The story goes that after the death of Sarah’s husband, that she raised a second family fathered by Andy.

In reality, Sarah’s husband, Ebenezer died when Sarah was 75 years old. She and Ebenezer had 4 children born between 1758 and 1765. there is no record of any more children from this union. It is very unlikely that Sarah raised a second family after the death of her husband, but an affair with Andy Hartshorn cannot be ruled out.

~ Warren Church